The Girl Shine is a program model and resource package that seeks to support, protect, and empower adolescent girls in humanitarian settings. Girl Shine has been designed to help contribute to the improved prevention of and response to violence against adolescent girls in humanitarian settings by providing them with skills and knowledge to identify types of GBV and seek support services if they experience or are at risk of GBV.
The Girl Shine program model and resource package can be used in multiple humanitarian settings, including conflict and natural disasters, as well as within the various phases of emergency response. It has been adapted to reflect the latest research findings on the experiences of adolescent girls in humanitarian settings, and the nature of GBV against adolescent girls.
Included in the resource package are the following: Girl Shine: Advancing the field–designing girl-driven gender based violence programming in Humanitarian settings (Part 1) Girl Shine: Life skills curriculum (Part 2) Girl Shine: Caregiver curriculum (Part 3) Girl Shine: Mentor and facilitator training manual (Part 4)