The I Support My Friends resource kit has been developed to give facilitators a comprehensive package of tools and resources to best equip children and adolescents in safe and effective peer support, together with adult mentors. It provides guidance and tools for preparing, designing, and implementing trainings with children and adolescents in how to support a friend in distress. The resource kit also includes guidance for appropriate adult supervision to ensure the physical and emotional safety of child and adolescent helpers and the friends they support.
The resource kit is comprised of:
Theory and Implementation Guide: Presents an overview of key concepts and the theoretical foundation of I Support My Friends. It describes the ethical considerations and child-safeguarding actions that need to be in place to protect children’s best interests and their physical and emotional safety. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities and expected skills and competencies of trusted adults who mentor child and adolescent peer supporters.
Training Manual: Outlines a three-day, step-by-step training in I Support My Friends, including case studies, stories and a list of required materials. The manual includes tools to support the preparation and implementation of the training. Some of the tools correspond to worksheets that participants will use during the training (these are marked with a footnote).
Participants Workbook: Contains the worksheets to be used by participants in the training. Each participant should receive their own workbook, which contains information, activities and space for notes and drawings.
Manual for Training of Facilitators and Focal Points: This is in progress currently and will include the materials needed to build the capacity of the adult facilitators and Focal Point(s) who will implement the training for children and adolescents. Once field tested, the package will include a training manual, agenda, PowerPoint slides and other guiding materials.