Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings
The Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings provides information on how to support teacher wellbeing in the five domains of INEE’s (2010) Minimum Standards. It explains how to: promote mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for teachers; create more enabling work environments for teachers; and enhance teacher voice, agency, and leadership in crises. The guidance note offers resources and tools and examples of these standards in action. The guidance note is for people who work in all humanitarian and development sectors that impact the lives of teachers both at work and out of work in their homes and communities. Elevating the importance of teacher wellbeing emphasizes the critical role it plays in strengthening humanitarian-development coherence and improving the resiliency of education systems.
Type: Guidance / Standard
Author: INEE
How to Manage Negative Emotions
The How to Manage Negative Emotions is an infographic material with tips that can help children, parents, and teachers cope with a crisis situation. This one-page leaflet is available in both Czech and Ukrainian languages.
Type: Advice Sheet
Author: Česká odborná společnost pro inkluzivní vzdělávání (ČOSIV)