

Baby Friendly Spaces Holistic Approach for Pregnant, Lactating Women and their very young children in Emergency

The Baby Friendly Spaces (BFS) is a model of intervention for a holistic psychosocial program that aims at providing comprehensive support to children and their caregivers who are facing emergency situations. This document aims to explain WHY and HOW to implement Baby Friendly Spaces and includes seven chapters: • The first chapter is a more theoretical section presenting the six care practices. It includes basic information on each care practice, on the way appropriate childcare practices are reinforced/maintained in the BFS setting. • The second chapter describes the different steps for the operational implementation of Baby Friendly Spaces • The third chapter focuses on the various activities that can be developed in BFS, with the different implementation steps • The fourth chapter is dedicated to non-breastfed infants. The chapter describes which kind of intervention should be implemented for these children and their caregivers • The fifth chapter is a detailed and technical guidance for breastfeeding and child feeding • The sixth chapter is focused on Infant and Young Child Feeding related to HIV • The last chapter gives information on how to manage unsolicited and unmonitored distribution of Breast Milk Substitute Throughout the manual, reflections will be presented on how to adapt Baby Friendly Spaces to a wide variety of local situations and cultural context specificities.

Type: Guidance / StandardPractitioner Tool

Author: Action contre la Faim International

Teacher's Guide to Psychosocial Support Activities for Students for the First Weeks of Students Return to Schools Following Long Breaks

The Teacher's Guide to Psychosocial Support Activities for Students has been designed for the first weeks of return to face-to-face education to support teachers’ efforts in promoting the psychosocial well-being of students as it provides interactive inclusive activities for children aged 6 - 16. The activities contribute to building positive relationships and attitudes, promoting students’ self-esteem, encouraging them to express their feelings, communicate their emotions and deepen their relationship with the school. Furthermore, these activities reduce the impact of potential emotional stress and behavioural problems and prompt students to seek help when needed in a safe school environment. The guide consists of two parts: the first part tackles the most important mental and social health concepts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have an impact on students' academic achievement, life skills, and communication with peers and society. These concepts include: psychosocial well-being, psychosocial support, positive discipline, referral, peer support, and inclusive education. The second part of the guide includes inclusive interactive activities, and some strategies that attempt at alleviating the effects of the psychological pressures that students were exposed to during the period of closure. The guide was developed specifically for teachers in Jordan, but can be used in all countries.

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitActivity Resource

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Type: Guidance / Standard

Author: UNICEF

2 translations