Summary description: FORNET follows the principles of NET but incorporates the narration of perpetrated violent acts (symbolised as sticks on the lifeline). Parallel group sessions support the clients to abstain from violence and build new bonds based on pro-social rules.
Access to the intervention manual: Contact the NET Institute
Access to training: Contact the NET Institute
Intended users/ Implementers: Trained and supervised non-specialist provider
Therapeutic strategies: Contextualisation of the trauma memory, meaning making, social support (buddy), role plays to abstain from violence
Intervention format: 6 individual and 6 group sessions each 90 min
Target population: Traumtized individuals who have been actively involved in violence (as perpetrators)
Significant effects found on symptoms of: Reduction of PTSD, apptetitive aggression, current violent behavior, substance dependence, increase in social acknowledgement
Key innovative or differentiating features of this intervention: In FORNET, excess violence perpetration is treated in the same logic as traumatic event. Groups sessions apply CBT techniques from addiction treatment.
Different populations where the intervention has been used: Traumatized offenders in post-conflict and LMIC settings, refugees in high income settings, other
Restrictions or requirements for its use: Co-morbid psychotic disorders, other severe neurological disease
Requirements / qualifications for trainers and supervisors: Being able to read and write, excellent communication skills, strong empathic skills
Examples of implementation outside of RCT contexts: FORNET is used in all sorts of clinical practice for instance as a module for forensic or trauma rehabilitation centers with clients who suffer from PTSD and other mental disorders, or in specialized clinics for refugees with trauma related symptoms
Information provided by Anke Köbach on 14 June 2024. She is author/developer of the intervention.