Summary description: NETfacts is an intervention that integrates NET/FORNET indiviudal treatment with a community based intervention that involves all community members.
Access to the intervention manual: Contact the NET Institute
Access to training: Contact the NET Institute
Intended users/ Implementers: Trained and supervised non-specialist provider
Therapeutic strategies: Cotextualisation of the trauma memory, meaning making, collective memory
Intervention format: NETfacts is a 5-6 session community intervention using culturally inherent communication methods to feed back composite narratives (anonymised and merged descriptions about the individual experience of a traumatic event) derived from indiviudal NET and FORNET sessions
Target population: Traumatised communities
Significant effects found on symptoms of: Reduction of rape myth acceptance, reduction of victimization and perpetration (via rape myths) (alongside reduction of trauma related mental health problem addressed with NET/FORNET).
Key innovative or differentiating features of this intervention: Integration of direct intervention with community members based on composite narratives from NET/FORNET indiviudal treatments
Summary of Evidence: Find it here.
Different populations where the intervention has been used: Rraumatised communities in DR Congo
Restrictions or requirements for its use: The intervention was tested in adults 16+ yrs.
Requirements / qualifications for trainers and supervisors: n.a. (status mid 2024)
Examples of implementation outside of RCT contexts: n.a. (status mid 2024)
Information provided by Anke Köbach on 21 August 2024. She is co-author of the intervention.