Summary description: The SEEK-GSP (Social, Emotional, and Economic Empowerment Knowledge through Group Support Psychotherapy) program trains lay health workers to recognize and treat mild to moderate depression using Group Support Psychotherapy (GSP). This innovative intervention addresses mild to moderate depression by enhancing emotional and social support, positive coping skills, and income-generating abilities. A key advantage of GSP is its reliance on trained primary health care workers, rather than expert mental health practitioners. These workers train lay health workers to identify and treat depression in rural villages, empowering communities to manage their own mental health needs effectively and sustainably.
Access to the intervention manual: Contact Etheldreda Nakimuli Mpungu ( Manual can be purchased on Amazon.
Access to training: Contact Etheldreda Nakimuli Mpungu (
Intended users/ Implementers: Trained and supervised non-specialist provider.
Intervention format: SEEKGSP is a structured therapeutic intervention designed to improve mental health outcomes among individuals living with chronic conditions, such as HIV/AIDS. The program consists of eight weekly sessions, each lasting 2 to 3 hours, conducted in sex-specific groups of 10 to 12 participants. Trained lay health workers of the same sex as the participants deliver the intervention using a scripted manual to ensure consistency and effectiveness.
Target population: Children, men, women and youth with mild to moderate depression
Significant effects found on symptoms of: GSP treats mild to moderate depression, improves functioning, self-esteem and social support. GSP reduces,stigma and increases participation in income generating activities. GSP significantly reduces hazardous alcohol consumption, and suicide risk.
Key innovative or differentiating features of this intervention: Highly effective against mild to moderate depression. 99% of GSP participants had achieved remission by 6 months after the end of treatment and remained depression there after for 18 months. Two years after treatment, GSP participants monthly income was double the monthly income of Control Group participants. GSP is highly cost-effective. Only 13 USD is needed to prevent one year of disability-adjusted life year(DALY) due to depression.
GSP improved HIV viral suppression among HIV positive individuals through the sequential reduction of depression and improvement in ART adherence.
Different populations where the intervention has been used: Men women children and youth.
Requirements / qualifications for trainers and supervisors: Trainers are mental health specialists who have received GSP training and have successfully delivered two GSP treatment cycles and are subscibed to SEEKGSP.
Examples of adaptations and different formats: We have a child and adolescent format and and an online format for Youth(tele-support psychotherapy).
Examples of implementation outside of RCT contexts: Nigeria Jalingo (Taraba state): Trained 35 health workers (in-person training) 40 (online). Cameroon: Trained 20 healthworkers (Online). Zambia: 20 health workers(online). Ghana 20 healthwokers (online). These healthworkers have created mental health awareness in communities and provided GSP with virtual mentorship and supervision through SEEKGSP Academy. We do not do ME in these countries, So we cannot quantify the numbers reached.
Information provided by Etheldreda Nakimuli Mpungu on 10 July 2024. She is the author.