
The Children's Resilience Programme

The Children’s Resilience Programme aims to: improve cooperation and peaceful interaction between children; improve the motivation to play, problem solving and positive attitude to others; enhance positive expectations to the future; enhance impulse control; and enhance capacity and awareness about self-protection and protection of peers. It uses a nonclinical psychosocial and protection methodology that focuses on children’s positive coping and resilience. It comprises 8-16 structured workshops for children aged 10-16 years old. The programme can be implemented for children in and out of school, during or after disasters, in situations of armed conflict, for children affected by HIV, or as part of preventative social work. It is designed to be implemented by the same one or two facilitators once or twice a week with the same group of children. This resource kit provides guidance for designing, implementing and evaluating the Children’s Resilience Programme and contains the following resources: 1. The booklet Understanding Children’s Wellbeing provides an introduction to psychosocial support, child protection and children’s reactions to difficult events. 2. The Programme Manager’s Handbook guides managers on how to plan, implement and evaluate Children’s Resilience Programmes. 3. The Facilitator Handbook 1: Getting Started consists of an introduction to the Children’s Resilience Programme, the first 5 workshops for the children, three additional workshops and two options to use to end a workshop track, as well as the guide for meetings with parents and caregivers. 4. The Facilitator Handbook 2: Workshop tracks consists of four workshop tracks that are concerned with Protection against abuse and exploitation, Children affected by armed conflict, Children affected by disaster and Children affected by HIV or AIDS. 5. The Children’s Resilience Programme Monitoring & Evaluation toolkit: These are guidelines for how to monitor and evaluate the Children’s Resilience Programme. They are designed for Project/Programme Managers and other involved and interested staff. To ensure appropriate delivery and quality of the Children’s Resilience Programme the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) System has two functions: 1) to monitor the progress and 2) to monitor and evaluate the outcome of the programme.

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitTraining ResourceResource PackageActivity Resource

Author: IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support

5 documents4 translations

Type: Advocacy Resource

Author: The University of Oxford, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, University College London, the University of Cardiff, the Global Protection Cluster Children Protection Area of Responsibility, the International Rescue Committee, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, Save the Children, World Without Orphans, the Early Childhood Development Action Network, Maestral, Changing the Way we Care, and the Mental Health Psychosocial Support Collaborative.

19 translations

I Support My Friends Resource Kit: Equipping Children and Adolescents

This resource kit contains a comprehensive package of tools and resources to best equip children and adolescents in safe and effective peer support, together with adult mentors. It provides guidance and tools for preparing, designing, and implementing training with children and adolescents about how to support a friend in distress building on PFA. The resource kit also includes guidance for appropriate adult supervision to ensure the physical and emotional safety of child and adolescent helpers and the friends they support. The resource kit is comprised of: 1. Theory and Implementation Guide This presents an overview of key concepts and the theoretical foundation of I Support My Friends. It describes the ethical considerations and child-safeguarding actions that need to be in place to protect children’s best interests and their physical and emotional safety. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities and expected skills and competencies of trusted adults who mentor child and adolescent peer supporters. 2. Training Manual This outlines a three-day, step-by-step training package, including case studies, stories and a list of required materials and tools to support the preparation and implementation of the training. 3. Participant’s Workbook This contains the worksheets to be used by participants in the training. 4. Manual for Training of Facilitators and Focal Points (forthcoming) This includes materials to build the capacity of the adult facilitators and Focal Point(s) who will implement the training for children and adolescents. Once field tested, the package will include a training manual, agenda, PowerPoint slides and other guiding materials.

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitTraining ResourceResource PackageActivity Resource

Author: Save the Children,The MHPSS Collaborative & UNICEF

4 documents4 translations

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups: Programme Resource Package

The MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package (field-test version) is an inter-agency package of resources that aims to support the integration of MHPSS into programmes for the prevention, release, and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG). It offers evidence-based guidance on how to support the mental health and well-being of children, families, and communities in emergency, humanitarian, and post-conflict settings through CAAFAG programming. The MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes Resource Package includes a suite of four resources: • Operational Guidance for MHPSS in CAAFAG Programmes: The operational guidance includes an operational framework to guide the design and implementation of MHPSS services in CAAFAG programmes. The operational guidance is a complement to the CAAFAG Programme Development Toolkit Guide developed by the CAAFAG Task Force and aligns with the UNICEF Global Multisectoral Operational Framework for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support of Children, Adolescents and Caregivers Across Settings (Demonstration Version) with linkages to the MHPSS Minimum Services Package. The operational guidance consists of two sections: 1) Understanding Children’s MHPSS Assets and Needs and 2) Operational Framework for MHPSS for CAAFAG. • An Evidence Review of MHPSS programming relevant to CAAFAG: The evidence review defines key terms, offers an elaboration on key concepts and considerations for MHPSS among CAAFAG; describes approaches to delivering MHPSS, considers risk and protective factors, offer considerations around integrating MHPSS throughout the CAAFAG programming, describes MHPSS tools for use with CAAFAG programmes, and offers a discussion of evidence gaps and recommended areas for further research. • Contextualization Guidance for MHPSS delivery in CAAFAG programming: The contextualization guidance defines the key aspects of contextualisation for CAAFAG MHPSS programmes and highlights key steps for contextualising the MHPSS for CAAFAG Operational Framework. The guidance also offers information, tools, and illustrative case studies to inform the adaptation of components of the MHPSS for CAAFAG Operational Framework to cultures, contexts, and situations. • Advocacy and Dissemination Package on MHPSS delivery in CAAFAG programming to drive further development and research.

Type: Advocacy ResourceResource PackagePractitioner Tool

Author: UNICEF & The MHPSS Collaborative

4 documents

Teacher's Guide to Psychosocial Support Activities for Students for the First Weeks of Students Return to Schools Following Long Breaks

The Teacher's Guide to Psychosocial Support Activities for Students has been designed for the first weeks of return to face-to-face education to support teachers’ efforts in promoting the psychosocial well-being of students as it provides interactive inclusive activities for children aged 6 - 16. The activities contribute to building positive relationships and attitudes, promoting students’ self-esteem, encouraging them to express their feelings, communicate their emotions and deepen their relationship with the school. Furthermore, these activities reduce the impact of potential emotional stress and behavioural problems and prompt students to seek help when needed in a safe school environment. The guide consists of two parts: the first part tackles the most important mental and social health concepts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have an impact on students' academic achievement, life skills, and communication with peers and society. These concepts include: psychosocial well-being, psychosocial support, positive discipline, referral, peer support, and inclusive education. The second part of the guide includes inclusive interactive activities, and some strategies that attempt at alleviating the effects of the psychological pressures that students were exposed to during the period of closure. The guide was developed specifically for teachers in Jordan, but can be used in all countries.

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitActivity Resource

Author: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Type: Guidance / Standard

Author: Save the Children UK & Save the Children Bangladesh

Type: Guidance / Standard

Author: UNICEF

2 translations

Type: Guidance / Standard

Author: UNICEF

2 documents

"Journey of Life" Community Workshops to Support Caregivers and Children in Need

The Journey of Life community workshops to support caregivers and children in need' is designed for communities wishing to support children in need and their caregivers. Using picture codes, personal testimonies and role plays, the workshops stimulate reflection, dialogue and action among participants. By taking them through their own life journey they are better able to understand the problems facing children in their care and in their community. Pictures and posters, a core feature of the resource, are designed to facilitate dialogue. Resource mapping and action plans provide communities with an opportunity to identify their capacities and begin to act on their collective responsibility towards these children. The Journey of Life comes with a variety of M&E tools, including forms for committee information, individual attitudinal changes, household changes, and workshop evaluations. GUIDES FOR PARTICIPANTS Main Workshop: Community Implementation Guide (includes Action Workshops 1, 2 and 3 on community parenting, supporting grieving children and teaching life skills to children) Action Workshops 4–7 at Action Workshop 8: Ending human trafficking Action Workshop 9: Protecting our children from abuse GUIDES FOR FACILITATORS Main Workshop: Facilitator Training Guide (includes Action Workshops 1, 2 and 3 on community parenting, supporting grieving children and teaching life skills to children) Action Workshops 4-7 at Action Workshop 8: Ending human trafficking Action Workshop 9: Protecting our children from abuse MONITORING AND EVALUATION CRS also aided in providing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools to help facilitators measure the change in attitudes and actions by the people who participated in their ""Journey of Life"" workshops. Though the workshops are designed for groups who work on child trafficking and child labor issues, the tools below can be adapted for other settings as well.

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitActivity Resource

Author: CRS & REPSSI

2 documents

Parenting and Adolescent Life Skills Programme

The Plan International’s global Parenting and Adolescent Life Skills (PALS) programme is developed for humanitarian teams who support adolescents and their caregivers in emergency and protracted crisis settings. The programme aims to equip adolescents aged 10 to 19 years and their caregivers with essential information, skills and resources to support adolescent health, safety and wellbeing in times of crisis. The programme has been developed in close collaboration with adolescents and caregivers in Bangladesh, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Tanzania. Through local consultations held between May and July 2019, adolescents and their caregivers shared valuable insights about their needs and priorities in relation to their wellbeing, and their existing resources and capacities to cope with crisis situations. In August 2019, the first life skills and parenting sessions were tested in Northeast Nigeria together with younger adolescents (10 to 14 years), older adolescents (15 to 19 years) and their parents/caregivers, supported by frontline staff. The complete PALS programme package includes the following resources: Life Skills curriculum: 13 Life Skills Session plans including facilitation notes Parenting curriculum: 10 Parenting Session plans including facilitation notes Resources for the facilitator to use in the sessions Monitoring and evaluation tools for the facilitator to use before, during and after the sessions Laughter and Play Manual with the games and creative exercises Implementation guide Tools to support implementation Training package with online and in-person learning modules

Type: Practitioner ToolToolkitTraining ResourceResource PackageActivity Resource

Author: Plan International

8 translations

Type: Academic PublicationAdvocacy ResourceTraining ResourceGuidance / Standard

Author: UNICEF

3 translations

Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development: A Practitioner’s Guide from Policy to Action

The Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development: A Practitioner’s Guide from Policy to Action provides a useful guide on how governments, sports confederations, organisations, clubs and individuals working in sport and Sport for Development can develop policies, guidelines and implement measures designed to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. The Safeguarding in Sport practitioner’s resource is a toolbox for organisations, facilitators - those who teach, coach or lead sporting activities, for parents and guardians and communities in Africa. It provides comprehensive guidance on developing safeguarding policies and practice in sport and sport for development contexts and is an important training resource for athletes, coaches and sports officials. Sport and Sport for Development is not just about the games. Sporting activities are used as a tool to engage target populations in programmes that work towards development goals such as peace promotion, gender equity, education, inclusion and health. To achieve this, effective safeguarding measures are essential to ensure that the right to participation in sport and physical activity in a safe and harm free environment for enjoyment – regardless of age, gender, origin or ability is fulfilled. This practitioner’s guide on Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development (S4D) Contexts is a product of an intensive and inclusive process that comprised a wide range of stakeholders. It has been developed in accordance with recognised best practice but with the African context in mind.

Type: Advocacy ResourceGuidance / Standard

Author: GIZ & African Union Sport Council

Hopefully Healthy Happy Living Toolkit

Hopefully Healthy Happy Living Toolkit is a set of materials directed towards children, parents, caregivers and teachers in various settings, which promote psychosocial wellbeing and link with key life skills to strengthen social and emotional learning. The toolkit provides useful resources for families and school communities for current times in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also designed for broader reach too, being equally relevant to any kind of crisis or emergency in seeking to support the health, happiness and hopefulness of communities wherever they may be. There are three tools in this toolkit. They are: (1) the Guide for Teachers, (2) the Parent-Caregiver Guide and (3) the Activity Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children. 1. Guide for Teachers – This Guide has been designed for teachers supporting children in their return to school in the wake of the pandemic. It opens with a set of general group-building exercises, followed by themed activities focussing on 16 key life skills supporting the personal, cognitive and interpersonal development of children. The exercises are suitable for a wide range of different age groups from pre-school to secondary school. The exercises could also be combined with sports and leisure activities in clubs or community centres, and in safe spaces for children in humanitarian settings. 2. Parent-Caregiver Guide – This booklet has been developed for parents and caregivers and is designed to provide guidance and inspiration around psychosocial wellbeing in the household in the face of challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. It features six fictional families from different corners of the world who are facing challenges in their lives in the course of dealing with COVID-19. Positive messages to encourage parents and caregivers in the care of their children at this demanding time are given such as structuring the day, taking time to check in with one another, using positive discipline, talking about loss, dealing with stigma, and protecting children online. At the end of the guide, there is a useful checklist for the whole household to help everyone reflect on how they are doing as a family. There is also a set of prompts for families who wish to make a COVID-19 hero book. 3. Activity Guide – This Guide for Teachers, Parents and Children features fun activities for children at home, in school or for remote use. In a home learning environment, for example, the activities could be done with a sibling group. Each activity is flagged as best done with a group or whether it may be adapted for use with a single child. The activities have been carefully designed to engage with children in relation to social and emotional learning around self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and decision-making.

Type: Activity ResourceResource PackageToolkit

Author: IFRC, Education Cannot Wait, and REPSSI

3 documents6 translations